I’m Never Tired

That title is a bit misleading because, quite frankly, it’s bullshit.

I get tired all the time.  Between working full time, 4 kids under 10 years old, the wife, being a homeowner, socializing, working out, cooking, and raising hell all too often, it gets exhausting.

But, as Ferris Bueller said, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it.”  I know getting rest is important, but to hell with it – life is there to be lived and eaten.  In big bites.

Push the fear and laziness aside, shake the cobwebs out of your head, and go live a little.  Call that friend you haven’t seen in way too long.  Go to the range with a buddy and throw some lead downrange. Pick a monster workout and get after it. Go volunteer somewhere.  And when you’re done talking, shooting, sweating, or working, go grab a burger and a beer somewhere.  Laugh a little.  You never know when it’s all going to be over, so do it all.  Do it all.  EVERY. DAMN. DAY.

Angry Viking Actual, Out.